Newsletter # 15

Cellular models
MPP+ is the active in-vivo metabolite of MPTP causing selective degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic (DA) neurons in PD. Similarly to the in-vivo situation, MPP+ induces a selective death of DA in primary cultures of rat mesencephalic neurons. Thus, MPP+ intoxication of mesencephalic neuronal culture appears as a relevant and cost-effective alternative to the in-vivo experiments for the evaluation of new test compounds with potentially beneficial effects on PD.
The neuroprotective effect of test compounds is evaluated for their ability to inhibit the death of DA neurons in cultures. Immuno-staining of tyrosine hydroxylase is used as specific marker of DA neurons.
The pictures show a primary culture of mesencephalic neurons. In the left panel is shown a phase contrast photograph and in the right a fluorescent microscopy: nuclei are stained in blue and dopaminergic neurons in red. -
At 1-10 µM of MPP+, the survival of DA neurons is markedly reduced whilst the total survival in the cell culture remains unchanged.
MPP+ - induced death of DA neurons is prevented/reversed by neurotrophins treatment. * : significantly different as compared to MPP+ group. -
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