nicotine and donepezil in the T-maze assay
Newsletter # 12

Animal models
NMDA Receptor Antagonists such as dizocilpine (MK-801) are often used to produce cognitive dysfunctions in different screening assays. Most of these assays however are based on two sessions (training session(s) followed by testing session) which markedly increase the turnaround time (and thus the cost) for the assay.
In this assay, a single trial (10 min at most) is sufficient to evaluate the ability of acute treatment (15–60 min prior the trial) to reverse the MK-801 - induced cognitive deficits.
Reversion of MK-801-induced deficit by nicotine and donepezil. The T-maze continuous alternation task is used to evaluate spatial exploratory performance and working memory in mice * : significantly different as compared to MK-801/Vehicle group;
# : significantly different as compared to Saline/Vehicle group. -
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